Bridge Road Warriors 2015 #5


01:29 9 March 2015 Little Rock, Arkansas by GS Jade Barrett Correspondent



«Anticipate charity by preventing poverty» – Maimonides


For the past two years, the Great American Bridge Tour has competed in over 100 events as Team Heifer USA.


Jose Damiani
Jose Damiani

Some time ago, the former World Bridge Federation President Jose Damiani expressed a belief that the game of contract bridge was an instrument that could be used to generate World peace. I absolutely agree. An aspect of that function is the ability to impact many good works through fundraising for the charities that improve the lives of the fellowship of man.


Heifer LogoThe American Contract Bridge League Charity Foundation, funded in large part by the Charity Games run by its member organizations, has granted millions of dollars over the years to a vast number of these worthy causes, one of which is the phenomenally successful Heifer International.Heifer International


For over seventy years Heifer has provided livestock, veterinary support, education and training to families in extreme need. The impact of their work has been felt worldwide, from Poland to Nepal, and everywhere in between. We are proud to help raise awareness for Heifer by competing in their honor to help sponsor a farming initiative here in the United States. In stark contrast to our nation’s wealth, we have distinct areas of abject poverty that require our attention.Heifer International


Through the restoration of the land combined with guidance and support from Heifer experts, the citizens of these troubled communities are creating sustainable economies that improve the quality of life for all.


Go to to learn more about this amazing Non Governmental Organization and the 130 projects that they are operating around the Earth.


Here is Alton Brown, great American Chef and fellow Heifer International supporter: