Bridge & Humor: Bridge Tourney Good for Laughs


Sarasota Journal – Nov 30, 1964 by Dan Howe

Every large bridge tournament, particularly one attended by a number of small town players produces a myriad of rib-tickling stories. The Regional held in Orlando back in early November was no exception. Here are some of the tidbits culled by a group of local players whose ears were well tuned and whose laugh muscles were consequently well exercised.

This was in the Individual Championship.giphy (6)

BILL SMITH. of the ACBL, staff was directing one section of a red-point event when he was summoned to a table by one of the players. The bidding had stopped at the one-level. «We don’t play one-bids, do we? Don’t we throw our hands in and deal this one over?» asked the player plaintively. (A party gal. of course).

At another table, the bidding had proceeded one spade-pass one heart. The director was called and said to the heart bidder, «I’m sorry, but your bid of one heart is insufficient.» insufficient, my foot» snapped the female offender; «I have a good eight points’.

One of our local players had pre-empted four diamonds. The partner responded four no-trump. which naturally resulted in a pause for reflection by our girl. The former was not content with the pause. »That’s Blackwood, partner… she added, as if her aside were a legitimate part of the bidding.

PETE HALPERN. holding a 5440 hand non-vulnerable, passed originally and then backed in with a cue-bid over a fourth hand opening of the suit in which he was void. His partner passed him out and Pete found himself playing a chummy three-cero trump fit.

On another occasion Pete with nine points, backed to with one notrump, after having passed originally, when an opponent’s one heart bid was about to be passed out. Pete’s partner was prompted into contending in spades. he replied…I thought you were asking for majors »

Another time, Pete’s partner, holding 18 high card points and a doubleton contented herself with a single raise of his one-heart call. Pete couldn’t resist getting in the punch line this time: When did I play with you before’?»

Also In the Individual. Bees Knox facing a new partner, queried. «Do you play non-forcing Stayman»» «Oh yes.» was the reply. Bess subsequently opened her hand one notrump, her partner said two clubs, Bess went two spades, and her partner passed. The latter then laid down as dummy a hand containing four spades and 12 high card points. «How could you pass my bid?» wailed Bess. «I thought you played non forcing Stayman.» «Only over minors.» her partner rejoined

BOB STANEART found himself in trouble at least a couple of times with assorted partners. Once when he and his partner got too high, Bob was accused of overbidding. «But you reversed partner, showing 19 points,» explained Bob. His partner graunted and when the partnershtp shift was made at the table announced loudly to his new teamate, «I don’t play reverses»

The next lime Bob had opened the bidding with a spade, his left-hand opponent had overcalled in hearts, and his partner, after a lenghty pause had come in with three diamonds. Thereupon Bob, with only the ten-nine of hearts, had essayed three notrump to go down just one trick. After the play his partner examined his cards and remarked: «How could you possibly bid three no trump with only a doubleton heart?. Like Pete Halpern, Bob too was tired of playing straight man and quipped, «On your hesitation. ma’am.-

Incidents like the foregoing is alone worth the entry fees. So don’t wonder too much why your wife or husband or friend, whatever the case may be. enjoys going out of town to attend the tournaments.