Monday, November 24, 2014
After this weekend’s battles in the Open Teams 1st Division 2014-2015, there have been changes in the rankings. Now Team Pharma Services is leading the first division while Schaltz holds onto second place. Konows team relegated to 4th place has still enough for a ticket to the playoffs. Nothing is decided yet, the teams are going to play two weekends more after Christmas. To see all the results Click Here. (Source: DBF)

Some matches were broadcasted by BBO.
At the end of the day Team PharmaService = Hans Chr Graversen, Henrik Caspersen, Morten Bilde, Dennis Bilde, Lars Tofte and Emil Jepsen is leading with 90,80, second Schaltz with 84,38 and third Thomas Vang Larsen with 74,76.
These are some of this Sunday’s boards:
Match Harries -Vang Larsen
Board 18
Dall opened in third position with 1, Harries doubled. Hemberg jumped to 4
and Andersen asked his partner to chose a suit, Harrie’s 4
closed the bidding.
At the other table Koch-Palmu in third, chose to pass and Lund Madsen L. opened 1, South answered 3NT showing a heart splinter with 9-11 points.
North correctly inferred his partner’s points were in the minors and sealed the slam.
Declarer won the heart lead with his A, continued with the
A, watching East pitching a red card, ruffed a heart in dummy, returned with the spade finesse, ruffed another heart and claimed 13 tricks.
Match Schaltz-Konow, defined by one of BBO’s commentators as a battle between the number 1 and 2 Danish 1st Division, teams.
Board 19
Nisland opened 1 and the partnership began to move towards the slam, but when North doubled 5
, RKCB answer showing only two keycards, Christians feno stopped in game, he considered the heart lead too dangerous.
Peter Schaltz led his 8 and declarer had to lose 1 heart and one diamond = +650.
At the other table, E/W also used the RKCB convention, and North after West’s 5 answer, doubled, asking a heart lead.
But Martin Schaltz considered A J enough and closed the slam am, the heart lead cut all his illusions, one down and 13 IMPs for Konow.
Only two bards later:
Board 21
Konow opened 1 and afterwards invited to game with 3
. His partner didnt accept. Declarer scored: +140.
At the other table Dorte Schaltz also opened 1, but her second call was 2
showing some extras and leaving room for a South invitation to game with 2NT, Dorte closed the 3NT game, declarer only lost 3 spades and a diamond scoring +600.