Spingold 2014: Only for Experts

Spingold 2014 Hammann-Nickell
Spingold 2014 Hammann-Nickell

Las vegas LogoJuly 24th 2014

In the Round of 16 of the Spingold 2014, the Nickell team played against the Hamman team. Here is Board 24 form the second segment.

Spingold 2014 Hammann-Nickell S2 Tab 24 Board 24

Lee opened his hand with a 1 bid, Nickell overcalled 2, Glubok passed and Katz showed values with a diamond cue-bid.

Lee chose to show his nice-strong hand with a 3NT call, which blew N/S out of their spade game, Nickell only showed his club extra length. The bidding died in the 4 contract.

Declarer after the 9 lead, only lost a diamond, a club and a heart scoring +130.Spingold 2014 Hammann-Nickell S2 Tab 24 a

At the other table Rodwell found an opening bid that helped his team to win 6 IMPs.

Rodwell chose the preemptive 2NT opening bid which ended the bidding. A club lead from Weinstein helped declarer to make 8 tricks for + 120.