For over thirty years at this same time of the year the best bridge players in Italy meet in Salsomaggiore Terme to define the Italian Teams Championships.
Toda la Informacion de todas las categorias en el site de la FIGB .
Open, Excellence Category: Since the first day the Lavazza team led the field, winning his first two matchs and in particular the second one against his archrival the Vinci team, winner of this competition in 2013. Lavazza actually had placed a 17.01 VP lead and only had to defend this difference to be consecrated as the new Italian Open Teams Champion in the highest category: the Excellence series.
Italian Open Teams Champion; Excellence series: Lavazza – Associato Allegra : Bocchi Norberto, Bianchedi Alejandro,Duboin Giorgio, Di Franco Massimiliano,Madala Agustin, Zanasi Gabriele. (CNP: Maria Teresa Lavazza)
Italian Ladies Teams Champion; Excellence series:Nardullo – Top One : Novo Antonella, Buratti Monica, Campagnano Debora, Aghemo Monica, Pederzoli Giuliana Bertani, Piscitelli Francesca