(Your Name), Bridge Detective by Eddie Kantar

Eddie Kantar

Source: ACBL

When play to a trick has been completed – you lead, dummy plays, partner plays and declarer plays, you will often be able to pinpoint every missing card in both unseen hands. Your detective work is easier if partner has supported your suit. On the first four problems, partner has bid hearts as a second suit – so you start with a count of the suit in all hands. Place the unseen hearts.


  Q 5 4  
J 8 3 2   10

The contract is notrump. You (West) lead the 2 to the 4, 10 and king.

A. What are the exact remaining hearts in the two unseen hands?
B. If you win the lead in another suit and decide to continue hearts, which heart should you lead?


  J 6 4  
Q 9 3 2   K

The contract is notrump. You (West) lead the 2 to the 4, king and ace.


  J 6 4  
Q 9 3 2   A

Spades are trumps. You (West) lead the 2 to the 4, ace and 8.


  J 6 5  
K 10 7 2   9

Notrump again. You (West) lead the 2 to the 5, 9 and ace.

In the next three problems, you have opened the bidding with 1 and partner has raised to 2, but the
opponents buy the contract. You lead a heart and your job is to determine where all the missing hearts are after
you see the play to the first trick.


  A 5 4
10 8 7 3 2   Q

You lead low against a spade contract. Dummy plays low and partner’s Q wins the trick.


  Q J 10
9 8 7 3 2   4

You lead the 9 against a spade contract. Dummy plays the 10, partner the 4 and declarer the 5.


  K 3 2
8 7 6 5 4   10

You lead the 8 against a spade contract. Dummy plays low and partner’s 10 drives out the queen.

Hey, gang, this quiz is slam dunk. In each case, the bidding has marked declarer (South) with a doubleton heart and you get to see one of his two cards at trick one. Partner´s play to the first trick tips you off to the other.


  Q 5 4  
J 8 3 2   10

The contract is notrump. You (West) lead the 2 to the 4, 10 and king.

A. Declarer must have the K-9 doubleton, as partner’s play of the 10 has denied the 9. Partner must have the A 10 7 6.
B. If you get in and lead a second heart, lead the jack to «silence» the 9. If you lead low, declarer will play low from dummy and partner has to play the ace. The Q takes a second trick. For shame.


  J 6 4  
Q 9 3 2   K

The contract is notrump. You (West) lead the 2 to the 4, king and ace.

Declarer has the A 10 doubleton. Partner’s play of the king has denied the 10. Partner has the K 8 7 5.


  J 6 4  
Q 9 3 2   A

Spades are trumps. You (West) lead the 2 to the 4, ace and 8.

Declarer must have the K-8 doubleton. Partner’s play of the ace has denied the king, and that is South’s only other card. Partner has the A 10 7 5.


  J 6 5  
K 10 7 2   9

Notrump again. You (West) lead the 2 to the 5, 9 and ace.

 Declarer must have the A 8 doubleton. Partner’s play of the 9 has denied the 8, and since declarer has a doubleton, there is no further problem. Partner has the Q 9 4 3.


  A 5 4
10 8 7 3 2   Q

You lead low against a spade contract. Dummy plays low and partner’s Q wins the trick.

Declarer must have the  J 9 doubleton. What else can he possibly have? Partner is marked with three hearts for the raise, and the play of the queen denies the jack. Partner has the K Q 6 .


  Q J 10
9 8 7 3 2   4

You lead the 9 against a spade contract. Dummy plays the 10, partner the 4 and declarer the 5.

Declarer should have the  A 5 doubleton and partner the K 6 4. Partner would not play the king, since he knows declarer has the ace. There is a chance that partner has the  A 6 4 and declarer the K 5 doubleton, but don’t bet the farm 0n it.


  K 3 2
8 7 6 5 4   10

You lead the 8 against a spade contract. Dummy plays low and partner’s 10 drives out the queen.

Declarer has the  Q 9 doubleton. Partner’s play of the 10 denied the 9. Partner has the A J 10.

Rating Scale:

6-7 correct It was a slam dunk, right?
4 – 5 correct-Anybody can have a mental blook or two – or three
Fewer correct-Lead aces, kings and top of sequences. Do not lead low cards.