BridgeWinners: ACBL New CEO …In the Well…Feb 09 2012

Robert Hartman

In the Well

 A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become a part of. He is shown a well  and his guide says «On any day except Thursday, you can shout any question down that well and  you’ll be told the answer». The man seems very impressed, and so he shouts down: Why not on  Thursday? and the voice from in the well shouts back: Because on Thursday, it’s your day in the  well.

This is a series where very well known playeres answer your questions on a certain day. Till now you can find names as: Fred Gitelman, Joe Grue, Joe Wooldridge, Ishmael del Monte…

Today: Entering «the Well» today is Robert Hartman, current CEO of the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). Hartman took over the reins at the ACBL in November of 2011. His experience of revitalizing various organizations appears to be exactly what the ACBL needs to turn around its aging and dwindling membership base.  

Hartman’s professional experience includes marketing positions at several race tracks as well as UC Berkeley where he was the Chief Marketing Officer of the Athletic Department. Under Hartman’s guidance the school’s football team enjoyed the largest one-year increase in attendance in NCAA history. 

After his stint at Berkeley Hartman returned to the racing industry in 2005 to become the VP and General manager of Golden Gate Fields where the tracks’ revenue grew substantially under his leadership.

Hartman learned bridge in the 1980s at the age of 17 and has been passionate about the game ever since.  When the opportunity arose he jumped at the chance to lead the ACBL and help grow the game that we all love. You can read more about the CEO in his ACBL Bulletin article.

While «In the Well», Robert Hartman will happily answer your questions about himself, his vision for the ACBL, and anything else of interest.

To read what the people asked and his questions: Click Here