2013 Monaco Cavendish: 5th Pairs Session


23 de Octubre: At the end of the 4th Cavendish Pairs session, in the Open GAWEL Wojciech- JAGNIEWSKI Rafal lead the field, second Gromov – Dubinin, Duboin-Ferraro third.  SMEDEREVAC Jovi and NEVE Joanna lead the Ladies Cavendish. Second Nathalie Frey-Babeth Hugon.

All the Results

These are some of the 5th session boards.

Board 21

 This board produced many headaches.

 In 7 tables E/W declared 6 diamonds, N/S doubled: +1090 was the score in all of them.

 In 11 tables:  E/O played 5 diamonds doubled = +550 or +650 some made an overtrick.

 In 5 tables: N/S played 5 hearts two down, E/W must have regretted a lot …

 Board 23

  Fantoni-Nunes the most expensive pair of this tournament: €57000, easily arrived to the club grand slam. After a 1 club opening bid (14+ with no 5 cards major… or min with clubs), Fantoni begun showing his club suit, and nobody could stop them before they arrived to the grand slam.

Only 10 pairs declared the grand slam, another 17 played the small club slam,  all of them made 13 tricks.

Board 26

Although only 6 pairs played the spade game, 17 pairs made 10 tricks playing a spade partscore contract. The heart distribucion: 3-3, the spades 3-2 and the diamond ace on side helped the 6 optimists to score a top.

At the end of the day after 5 sessions of 10 boards each:

 In the Open Cavendish: GAWEL Wojciech- JAGNIEWSKI Rafal were leading the field, seconds Gromov – Dubinin, Duboin-Ferraro thirds.

 In the Ladies Cavendish: FREY Nathalie y HUGON Babeth finished first, BALDYSZ Cathy y SARNIAK Anna seconds and D’OVIDIO Catherine y EYTHORSDOTTIR Disa third.