2013 Southamerican Open Ranking

Miguel Villas Boas
Miguel Villas Boas

The CSB has updated the Southamerican Rankings after the end of the 2013 South American Bridge Championships played in Angra 2013, Brazil. Today we are publishing the South American Open Ranking Open: from 2006 to July 2013.

Miguel Villas Boas
Miguel Villas Boas

Miguel Villas Boas (BRZ) remains the Number 1 of the Southamerican Ranking, with 533 points, having scored 60 of them in Angra 2013 as he arrived second with his team Brazil in the Open category. Miguel is today a recognized professional who participates in many of the most important bridge tournaments worldwide, including the American Nationals.

Joaquin Pacareu
Joaquin Pacareu

In the second place continues Joaquin (CHI)  with 500 ranking points, this year the third position in the Open category added him 30 points. Playing with Benjamin Robles, third in the Ranking, in these recent years, both have reaped the highest awards in the area at both the pair and the team level.

Benjamin Robles
Benjamin Robles

Brazil resumed the fourth position with a bridge player symbol of the Zone: Gabriel Chagas accumulating in these last 7 years 446 ranking points and showing that he stays in shape after all these years, and continues at the top of the ranking.


Gabriel Chagas
Gabriel Chagas


Juan Manuel Robles
Juan Manuel Robles

Ranked 5 and 6 is a Chile partnership: Caracci, Marcelo (the Bridge Chile Federation President) and his partner Robles, Jose Manuel. This pair is one of the pillars of the bridge of Chile and it was thanks to them that Chile took home the South American Open Teams title 4 times in the last years.

Marcelo Caracci


Diego Brenner
Diego Brenner

 In the 7th positionagain Brazil represented by an aggressive young player who currently serves as a bridge professional in many of the top bridge events in the world: Diego Brenner.

Pablo Lambardi

Argentina appears for the first time at the 8th position represented by Lambardi, Pablo Andres, a professional bridge player, recognized as one of the best players in Argentina, this year proved to be one of the best in South America after winning the 2013 South American Open Teams Championship.

Marcelo Castello Branco
Marcelo Castello Branco

 In the 9th position 9Brazil represented by a World Champion: Castello Branco, Marcelo winner of the Triple Crown. (Chagas won this title too).

Pablo Ravenna
Pablo Ravenna

The 10th position is for Argentina, with Ravenna, Pablo, a young player who participates little in the WW bridge in the last past years but who has been part of the team representing Argentina in the Open category at some events around the world. This year he had the pleasure of winning the Southamerican Championship and he will be representing his country in the next world Bridge Championships in Bali 2013.

To see all the Open Southamerican Ranking: Click Here