Italian Bridge Teams Championships

    Fiorella Mannoia
    Fiorella Mannoia

    "Bandera de la FIGB"

    Source [ilink url=»»]FIGB[/ilink] by Franco Broccoli (leggi in Italiano)

    In Salsomaggiore Terme, between April 25th to 28th will be held the Italian Teams Championships Open and Ladies. These championships are the biggest event of the FIGB calendar. This year the Championships are adorned with special events.

    Fiorella Mannoia
    Fiorella Mannoia

    Fiorella Mannoia in concert:

     Saturday, April 27th at 21:30 Fiorella Mannoia will perform an exclusive concert for the bridge players and their companions at the Teatro Nuovo in Salsomaggiore. The show will have beneficial purposes, since part of the proceeds will go to the project [ilink url=»»]Axé Italia[/ilink]. Bridge must become an increasingly well-known sport, arousing curiosity and interest, which is why it is very important that this extraordinary artist Fiorella supports our discipline.

    Press conference nbso online casino reviews open to the public

    On Saturday, April 27 at 12:30, in the Terme Berzieri, the FIGB will offer a Press Conference open to the public, which will be attended by national and international authorities, among which we can mention:

    Giovanni Malago
    Giovanni Malago

    1) The CONI President: Giovanni Malagò

    Roberto Fabbricini
    Roberto Fabbricini

    2) The CONI General Secretary and Vice-President: Roberto Fabbricini

    3) The Italian Golf President: Franco Chimenti.

     These honored guests will also attend the award ceremony  that will be held on Sunday April 28 at 13.00 in the Auditorium of the Palazzo dei Congressi. This is a new initiative in the way of further opening up to the public the bridge world.

    Franco Chimenti
    Franco Chimenti

    Novel Details

    1) The players staying at hotels in Salsomaggiore will find upon entering their rooms a gift to give them a warm welcome from  Angelini Group, a partner of bridge, which aids in the dissemination and visibility of our sport of the mind.

    2) All the captains will be provided a special badge with barcode to perform various administrative tasks and print information. The bar code scanners and printers will be found in three different points of the game site.

    3) For those who want to follow very closely and breathe the bridge air of Salsomaggiore, all rounds of the championship will be broadcast on a Vu-Graph with real-time transmission of the best matches each round.

    CSB Note: You will be able to follow the championships in BBO. [ilink url=»»]Click Here[/ilink] to read the BBO VG Schedulle.

    Franco Broccoli for FIGB.