Norberto Bocchi Asks: Diego Brenner


    IV OPEN INTERNACIONAL DE BRIDGE DE BARCELONA: Barcelona, February 1, 2 & 3 2013
    Hotel Catalonia Barcelona Plaza. All the Information Click Here

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    Only one day to start the fourth edition of this international event where last year played 22 World Masters recognized by the WBF (World Bridge Federation), accompanied by 74 National Masters, providing a high level championship.

    Diego Brenner
    Diego Brenner

    Taking this opportunity the World Grand Master Norberto Bocchi will perform a series of interviews with some of the most famous participants. Today Norberto chose Diego Brenner an excellent professional Bridge player and a World Life Master of the WBF.

    Diego was born on May 4, 1974, in Brazil but currently resides in Barcelona. Among his teammates we can mention: Gabriel Chagas Filho, Miguel Villas Boas Filho, Mauricio Figueiredo, Marcelo de Lima Castello Branco, Norberto Bocchi, Carlos Pellegrini, Agustin Madala and among its many excellent results are:

    2011-2007-2002 South American Teams Championship
    2011 – 2003 Brazilian Teams Championship
    2006 Rosenblum-World KO Championship
    2003 World Pairs Championship
    2002 European Open Teams
    2002 South American Pairs Championship
    2002 Brazilian Teams Championship
    2001 South American Teams Championship
    2001 World Transnational Teams Championship
    2000 World Bridge Olympiad

    Photo Album


    A) Why did Bridge seduce you?

    A part from that bridge is a very exciting and rewarding game from the intellectual standpoint, what fascinated me was the chance to compete against very experienced players knowing that one day I could become one of the best.

    I think I did, but still pursue more successes in this world.

    B) What system do you play with your partner?

    I play with many different partners and play many systems, greatly according to my partner, but the base is always the natural system. The conventions are different, but the general idea is to have enough tools to be able to reach an ideal contract, hoping to overcome opponents scientifically.

    C) How would you define your bridge style?

    I’m a pretty aggressive player,  whenever I have a posible escape. The contract I finish playing, either stretching or unconventional, is not usually absurd.

    This form of play puts enough pressure on the opponents and my experience proves that it is very difficult to play against players who bid a lot.

    D) What was your first Bridge book?

    It was a good book, but pretty basic: «El Carteo En El Bridge Moderno» by Pierre Jais and Michel Lebel.

    E) Was there any player who influenced your Bridge?

    Many. I could cite a lot … Surely the Italian Blue Team, Cintra, Chagas, Branco, Hamman, the Italians now, and all the players I’ve seen play with desire, passion and technique.

    Blue Team  
    Blue Team
    Gabino Cintra
    Gabino Cintra  
    "Gabriel Chagas"
    Gabriel Chagas  
    Marcelo Castello Branco
    Marcelo Branco

     F) What is the greatest quality in a partner?

    No comment based on the result and to always seek a solution to problems, rather than trying to point blame.

    G) What is your favorite tournament?

    The Bermuda Bowl. Is the ecstasy of competitive Bridge.

    H) What was your greatest joy in Bridge?

    Agustin Madala
    Agustin Madala

    There are so many!, But I want to mention two, an older and a newer one: Win the World Transnational Teams with Gabriel Chagas in 2001 when I was very young and win the Campeonato Brasileiro two years ago with my good friend Agustin Madala.

    Win the trials in Brazil and the South American Championships with my friend and teammate Marcelo Castello Branco are also very pleasant memories, no doubt.

    I) Ignoring your regular partner, with what player would you like to take part in a big event?

    Agustin Madala. I have never played with Giorgio Duboin and I would love to have the opportunity one day. We are good friends and I admire him as a person and as a player.

    Giorgio Duboin
    Giorgio Duboin

    J) What pair would you choose today to have as teammates in the other room?

    Bocchi – Madala, surely. I played with both of them and I know they are impressive players, always very focused and ready to annihilate the enemy at any time.

    Norberto Bocchi-Agustin Madala

    They are a powerful partnership, they lose very few points, they create difficult situations for their opponents and they study hard. They’re my friends, is true … But what else would you expect from a partnership?

    K) Do you have a cabala when you sit at the table to play?

    No game against people with bare feet.

     L) 1) Favorite Music? Some authors outside the Bridge? 

        2) Some favorite sport, are you a fan of some football team?    

        3) Favorite actor or actress. 

        4) Any painter or artist

    1) Rock, en general. As writers I liker Herman Hesse and Gabriel García Marquez.
    2) SURF.
    3) Al Pacino; Julianne Moore.
    4) Picasso.

    M) What do you do in your spare time when you are not playing Bridge?

    I play guitar, sing, cook, go out at night, go to concerts, surfing and now I start to play poker online.
