Argentina: Rankings Updated to November 2012


    The ABA (Asociacion del Bridge Argentino), responsible for the maintenance of the Argentine Bridge Rankings, just released, for each category, the two most important Argentine Rankings:

    1- The Ranking Estimulo: Just consider the points earned during the 2012.

    2- The Ranking Historico: It is the cumulative points earned by each player, this ranking has the property: each year has a 15% discount on the points accumulated.

    The Ranking Estimulo, is what determines at the end of each cycle, the best players of the year in each category. In the Ladies Category the best player of the year receives the Schenone Cup,  in the Open Category the player of the year receives the Cabanne Cup and in the Youth Category the best player of the year receives the Rochi Cup.

    Missing a few tournaments for the end of the 2012 cycle, the ABA published on its website:   the Ranking Estimulo 2012, updated to November 10th 2012.

    So far these are the players that are first in the 2012 Champions Race:

    1st R. Estimulo Damas

    Liliana Moirano

    1st R. Estimulo Libres

    Walter Fornasari

    1st R. Estimulo Juvenil

    F. Monte de Oca y F. Ferro

    Ranking Estimulo Damas… Ranking Estimulo Libres… Ranking Estimulo Juveniles…

    Ranking Historico updated November 10, 2012: In first position is the MAENL Mooney Guillermo Rafael with 191 Gold Points, second the MAENL Monsegur Martin with 171  Gold Points and third with 141 Gold Points the MAENL Gueglio Jorge.

    Photo: Monsegur-Mooney

    Ranking Historico by Position Read More…

    Ranking Historico (Alphabetic) Read More…