Bridge & Humor: Invasion and more…


The Catalina Islander – 4 Ene 1945

Four marines were playing bridge in a hut on a Pacific island.

Suddenly another leather-neck burst into the room and shouted: «The Japs are landing a force of about 200 men down on the beach!»

The four bridge playing marines looked at one another.

Finally, one said: «I’ll go, I’m dummy this hand.»

«Last night I waited up for my husband and questioned him about where he had been.»

He sweared he was playing bridge at the club…

I told him, I didnt beleive him, and asked him again…

«What did you get out of him ?» . «A new evening dress?’

A bridge expert, was on vacations, and decided to go to play some boards to the local bridge club. After the first two tables, he shifted his location to the toilet.

«Must be shocked,» the other players commented.

But the expert explained grimly, «It’s the only place around here where, people seem to know what they’re doing’