6th South American Transnational Bridge Festival


VI South American Transnational Bridge Festival

27 May to 4 June 2016

All the Information:  Official Site 

This year the South American TransNational Bridge Festival is going to be played in Medellin, Colombia, one of the most beautiful cities in South America. Today we are posting some data and some photos…

Many are the reasons that make Medellín a top quality tourist destination. Being the city of “eternal spring” is, in its own right, reason enough. Its topography – a valley surrounded by mountains – together with its spring-like weather and the “Paisas”, its characteristically warm and friendly inhabitants are two other reasons. Being a great cultural center and hometown to many a world renowned artist like Fernando Botero, whose sculptures grace many squares around the city, are two other good reasons. The city is an important destination as a shopping, cultural, nature, and fashion center, for business, and for health-seeking tourists.

Medellín is the city of the Flower Fair and Silletero Parade, and the traditional Christmas lights display. The city boasts a modern public transportation system with the Metro and its feeder lines Metrocable and Metroplus, newly refurbished roadways, two bus terminals, and two airports, one for regional flights, the other a modern international airport. The Parks and Library, gateways to knowledge, to enjoyment and to creative leisure time, are a symbol of a Medellín that’s become a Home for Life.

When you walk through the streets of Medellín your senses are heightened. The mornings bring a frolicking sun that, later, as it sets over the western mountains, paints house and hillside of red as it dissolves sky and mountain into night. And you can be sure that the “Paisas”, steady in their traditions and thriving in their Medellín below, will always keep their arms open to make you feel at home.

Luis Guillermo Duque photos:

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