5th TGRs Auction Pairs.

castner y gold
castner y gold

During 11-12 January 2014, in the New Cavendish in London was played the 5th edition of the TGRs Auction Pairs, including the famous auction pairs before starting the game.

This year 71 pairs were playing the event.

After four sessions, this are the 5th TGRs Auction Pairs winners:

Kevin CASTNER – David GOLD with a 60.5%.


Second arrived Frederic WRANG – Juan Carlos VENTIN and thirds Andrew ROBSON – Zia MAHMOOD.

All the results, [ilink url=»http://brenning.se/results/2014/london/tgrs5thauctionpairs/tgrsbridgeclub5thauctionpairs-session4.htm»]Click Here[/ilink]

All the pairs, including a description of each of them [ilink url=»http://www.tgrsbridge.com/2014_Auction_Pairs/Working%20catalogue.pdf»]Click Here[/ilink]