55 Festival Mondial de Bridge de Deauville

Zia Mahmood y Tom Hanlon
Zia Mahmood y Tom Hanlon
Logo Deauville 2013
Deauville 2013

 July 22 2013

55ème Festival Mondial de Bridge de Deauville: 15 to 28 july 2013

Official Site

The Festival Mondial de Bridge de Deauville 2013 includes about 1,800 participants from around the world, mainly from France, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Israel, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, but also from India, South Africa, Turkey … Participating players of all levels from amateur to world champions to compete in five major tournaments. 

Open Mairie de Deauville

Zia Mahmood y Tom Hanlon
Zia Mahmood and Tom Hanlon

This year’s tournament had a very high level, with the victory of the partnership formed by a legendary player, Zia Mahmood that on this occasion played with an exceptional partner Tom Hanlon, second the Danish champions, brothers Blakset, and third from France Philippe Cronier and Michel Bessis completing the podium.

First Positions Final A
1 Hanlon – Mahmood 61,17
2 Blakset – Blakset 60,75
3 Bessis – Cronier 59,44
4 Riehm – Duguet 59,12
5 Birman – Tarnovski 58,27
6 Jansma – Ritmeijer 57,93
7 Bompis – Reiplinger 56,54
  First Positions Final B
1 Polet – Bigdeli 59,43
2 Nimhauser – Lhuissier 57,01
3 Magnis – Bergheimer 56,81
4 Mme Diamonova – Aronov 56,72