36th Vilnius Cup: Best Defended Hand

Bocchi-Madala Jean Les Pins 2010
Madala-Bocchi Ganadores Jean Les Pins 2010

A few days ago the Italian star Norberto Bocchi, sent us an interview that he made to one of his new teammates for the next cycle of the 2013 American Nationals: Grzegorz Narkiewicz.

In a few days this team comprised of: Bocchi-Madala, Gromov-Dubinin, Buras-Narkiewicz, will compete for the first time in an European tournament. Before seeing them live in action today we bring you a hand that won the Best Defended Hand Award in the 2009 Vilnius Cup.

Dubinin & Gromov

4. October 2009 BEST DEFENDED HAND

Krzysztof Buras and Grzegorz Narkiewicz are the rising stars of Polish bridge. Their last, and best achievement since ever, was the second place in World Transnational Teams Championships in Sao Paulo this year. They were nominated to the Polish national team to the nearest European Championships in Ostende.

Here, in Vilnius they gave a proof of their class in (probably not only) one of the boards of the teams tournament.

Buras, (East) with 9 7 6 8 5 4 2 10 8 7 6 5 2, was on the lead after following bidding:

West North East South 
Narkiewicz Arvidsson Buras Bech
  1 Pass 2*
4 4 Pass 5
Pass 5 The End  

*)transfer to hearts

He surprisingly led a club. The result was really spectacular!

Board No 9. WE vulnerable, dealer N.


K Q 10 8 5 4
5 2
A Q J 10

J 2
J 7 6
A K Q J 9 7 6 3


9 7 6
8 5 4 2
10 8
7 6 5 2


A 3
A K Q 10 9
K 9 8 4 3


Narkiewicz ruffed, underled his diamond honor and Buras was again in hand with the modest eight of diamonds. He played a club again, and the it was the end of the story – one down.

Buras, when asked about his choice of the lead, said” “It was simple – heart and spade leads had no sense, partner did not doubled 4… How many tricks can we take in diamonds if partner has bid 4 vulnerable? So the only hope could be in clubs.”

On the second table NS bid to a slam:

Oeste Norte Este Sur
  1 Pass 2
4 Pass Pass 4
Pass 5 Pass 6
Pass 6 Pass Pass
Dbl The End    

and East made a textbook lead – Lightner’s double asks to lead the first suit, bid by dummy… – a heart, and a contract was made, giving substantial gain for Auguri team.