2014 World Mind Games


December 10, 2014mind2014

The 2014 SportAccord World Mind Games start tomorrow – the links are below and the bridge is being broadcast on BBO.

For a full list of Bridge players click here

The results and bulletins for the bridge will be at www.worldbridge.org and our Facebook page is at www.facebook.com/worldbridgefederation (so please go and «like» us if you haven’t already done so, and please publicise that link to your Facebook friends!)

22 channels to broadcast World Mind Games 2014 live across 44 territories

Blanket coverage of the World Mind Games 2014 is guaranteed as 22 channels across the world are set to broadcast the event in their respective regions, including 11 channels that will broadcast the event live across Asia and Europe. The total reach extending to over 61 million homes and 44 territories is the largest ever for any edition of the SportAccord World Mind Games.

Other links are:

Official website www.worldmindgames.net
Event’s Facebook www.facebook.com/WorldMindGames
Twitter account www.twitter.com/worldmindgames
Youtube channel www.youtube.com/mindgameschannel