2013 Biarritz International Bridge Festival

Ferraro, Madala, Sementa, Brenner, Amahui, Duboin
Steve Hamaoui, Luis Lantaron, Perla Sultan y Diego Brenner

Each year nearly 1,000 bridge players from around the world gather to participate in the Biarritz International Bridge Festival involving many of the world’s top players, among which we can mention: Zia Mahmood, Paul Chemla, Agustin Madala, Luis Lantaron, Diego Brenner, Perlita Sultan, Steve Amahoui among others.

This year the Festival is developing from June 28 to July 10, 2013.

Georgio Duboin - Guido Ferraro
Georgio Duboin – Guido Ferraro

Open de Pairs: 180 pairs are playing this event.

 After the first of the 3 total sessions, the italian pair formed by:

DUBOIN Giorgio – FERRARO Guido are first with 67,14%.

Second KALITA Jacek – NOWOSADZKI Michal with 64,57%.

Third a pair from Portugal: Mme PESSOA Sofia – PAES DE CARVALHO João Paes with 64,54%.

All Results from the first session. 

At the end of the Lavazza Patton played during the 1st to the 4th of July, the Lavazza 1  Mme Lavazza – Duboin – Ferraro – Sementa manage to arrive first.

 These were the first positions:

1 LAVAZZA 1 64,00 3,33 2 67,00 
2 MORATALLA 67,00 3 63,67
3 LAVAZZA 2 56,00 7,67 4 62,00
4 STOICHKOV 61,00 1,00 5 56,00
5 WARD-PLATT 54,00 2,00 6 53,00
6 BERTRAM 50,00 3,00 7 51,33
7 DE BOTTON 47,00 4,33 8 51,00

All the positions

The 6 sessions Mixed Pairs Tournament ended and 116 pairs played this event, the winners being Sofia Pessoa & Paulo Gonçalves, from Portugal, second a pair from Spain: Mayca Elguero Fernandez and Manuel de la Maza, third was a local pair: Muchel Simone Romieu Raimbault.

Read all the positions 

These are videos from previous years:


Last year Photo Album: