2013 Argentine Trials. The Gran Ladies Final: 4th Match


The definition of the Ladies Argentine team that will represent the country in the next Sudamericano de Bridge Angra 2013 was in its final stage. The first stage was the Teams Trials and the winners were:  Silvia Boldt, Maria Elena Iacapraro, Gloria Iribarren and Charo Garateguy.

Between Thursday 25 and Sunday 28 October, took place the second stage: a Pairs Trial, the winners: Jose Maria Rueda-Cecilia Previde, Marisu Iacapraro-Matilde Espiasse and Analia Smalinsky-Irene Elkin.

On the weekend of 3 and 4 November this teams were playing the last stage, the Grand Final: six matches of 16 boards each, which is being transmitted by BBO for all the Argentine bridge fans. In the 4th match, in the ladies category the Boldt team presented: Silvia Boldt, Maria Elena Iacapraro, Gloria Iribarren and Charo Garateguy and the Previde team: Maria Jose Rueda-Cecilia Previde, Marisu Iacapraro-Matilde Espiasse.  The match begun Boldt 98-Previde 88

 The first 6 boards only produced 2 IMPs for Boldt, but board 7 and 8 changed the tendency and got Previde team 11 IMPs over Boldt:

  Board 7: In one of the tables E/W chose to play 3NT,  the heart lead too the first 5 tricks for 1 down. In the other table E/W played 4, declarer made 10 tricks and added 12 IMPs for his team.

 In Board 8 one of the tables played slam. Malena Iacapraro opened with a 2 bis, her partner answered 2NT positive. Now North showed his spade suit and South support it.

Malena with extra length in the trump suit asked for keycards and declared the slam when the answer was one.

The key of the hand is to found the Q, that was off side second. Malena didnt find it and the hand went one down and 11 IMPs for Previde.

In the next two hands 7 IMPs went and come. Board 12 produced another two digits swing:  Marisu Iacapraro and Matilde Espiasse played 3NT. The diamond finesse gave them 10 tricks. In the other table, Charo and Malena finished in 4, when Charo asked her partner for a heart stopper and Malena offered her instead an honor third in spades. Declarer found a trump bad distribution (4-1 with QJ87 in one of the hands) and lost 2 spades and two hearts. The hand lost 10 IMPs.

The match now was Previde 130-Boldt 107.

Board 13 was 10 IMPs more for Previde when team Boldt played 2 and Team Previde played the heart game.  The match ended Previde 140-Boldt 108.