2012 Summer NABC: Juniors have a lot to say at their reception


Source NABC Bulleytins;  Youth NABC Photos : Click Aqui 

With the breakthrough session at the 2012 Spring NABC in Memphis, word has apparently spread that the ACBL is seriously interested in hearing what Juniors have to say about the game and how more of them could be attracted to bridge.
At Saturday’s meeting, more than 50 Junior players showed up and, led by Brian Delfs, ACBL’s manager of education, there were lively discussions of a number of topics.
The players cheered when Delfs told them that plans are to redesign the Youth 4 Bridge website, creating a new site from scratch.
Many ideas were voiced by the players, some of whom were recognized for qualifying to play at the 14th Youth Team Championship, starting later this month in Taicang, China.
Howard Weinstein, a member of the U.S. Bridge Federation Junior Committee, attended the reception and gave his approval to the effort.
“It’s good,” Weinstein said, “to let the kids get together and let them know they’re not alone – and anything we do for the Juniors will pay off in the long run.”
Said Delfs, “Our direction for this reception was to build upon the ideas that were brought up at the Junior Reception in Memphis. Players were asked to work in their table groups to discuss Facebook, online Junior clubs and a new website, which were all ideas brought up in Memphis.

“For Facebook, there is a consensus on creating a specific Junior environment that could include games, calendars and sharing of blog posts. For online Junior clubs, ideas to connect Facebook and current online clubs (BBO Juniors, as an example) were discussed. For a new website, most of the players want up-to-date information on all Junior events and results worldwide.

“The intent of this reception was to create specific action items from the discussion held in Memphis, to dig deeper into those requests.

“It isn’t enough to just listen. We are ready to start taking action.

“Other ideas, which may be discussed more in depth at future receptions, involve organizing best practices for college clubs, new regional and national Junior events, and free ice cream.”