2012 Polish Teams Premier League


This year the Polish Teams Premier League faced:  Consus Kalisz vs ASKO-TECH, and the winner was the first of them.

Champion Team 2011/12 Consus Kalisz: Grzegorz Narkiewicz, Marian Kupnicki, Janusz Makaruk, Dominik Filipowicz, Krzysztof Buras, Piotr Walczak, Jaroslaw Cieslak, Peter Zak, Paul Niedzielski, Leszek Majdański


Runner Up Team 2011/12: ASKO-TECH Spojnia Warsaw: Piotr Bizon, Konrad Araszkiewicz, Bartosz Chmurski, Yaroslav Baran, Christopher Kotorowicz, Dariusz Kowalski, Jacek Kalita, Mariusz Puczyński

In the last of the 8 final sets, board 15, the Champion Team lost 12 IMPs when they didnt arrive to a Vulnerableslam, lets see what happened:

Board 15. Dealer South, N/S Vulnerable

Open Room for Consus Kalisz: N/S  Grzegorz Narkiewicz- Krzysztof Buras and for ASKO-TECH: O/E Jacek Kalita-Gawrys.


A Q 9 6
Q 10 6 2
10 8
K 10 2

8 3
9 7 5
J 7 5 3 2
J 5 3


J 10 5
K J 8 4 3
K 4
9 8 4


K 7 4 2
A Q 9 6
A Q 7 6

West               North                   East              South

Kalita            Narkiewicz         Gawrys         Buras


Pass                 1                         Pass                 1                 

Pass                 2                         Pass                3NT         

Pass                4                          The End

Buras opened 1 diamond, his partner showed first his 4 cards heart suit. South continued describing his hand and showed his 4 spades cards and North made a 2  bid(fourth suit forcing). Buras decided to continue with 3NT but passed over his partners election of spades as trumps. The lead was a heart and declarer didnt have any problem to claim 13 tricks.

Closed Room: As Polish players, N/S were playing Polish Club, and the bidding begun with 1 strong. This helped them to arrive to the slam.

West               North                   East              South

Kupnicki         Bizon               Majdański      Kowalski


Pass                  1NT                      Pass                2

Pass                  2NT                     Pass                3

Pass                  3                       Pass                3

Pass                 4                        Pass                4 

Pass                 4NT                      Pass                5

Pass                  5                       Pass                6

Pass                  6                       The End