2012 Monaco Patton: Last news



Prizes. 20.000 €

Equipo Lavazza, Foto Elisabeth van Ettinger para NewInBridge

Lavazza won the 2012 Monte Carlo Patton, played in Monte Carlo during the 12, 13 & 14 October 2012 in the SPORTING d’hiver. The event had more than 20.000 € in cash prizes.

The final was played by Team Lavazza:

1 Lavazza Maria T 2 Ferraro Guido 3 Duboin Giorgio 4 Sementa Antonio
5 Bocchi Norberto 6 Madala Agustin

and Team Breno:

1 D’Avossa Mario 2 Intonti Riccard 3 Manno Andrea 4 Lanzarotti Massimo

The final consisted of two sets of 8 boards each, but there were played only 8 boards when Team Breno withdraw after losing the first set of 8 boards by 50-0.  This is the way Lavazza won 50 IMPs in 8 boards:

The difference begun since the first board when both teams reached a 3NT contract, done by Agustin Madala for Lavazza and 1 down by Andrea Manno for Breno. 10 IMPs for Lavazza. The next difference appeared in board 3, Duboin-Sementa for Lavazza declared and played a very tight vulnerable game while Intonti-D’Avossa for Breno only played 3 spades, they made the same number of tricks … Another 10 IMPs to Lavazza. Board 4 was a push and the next swing arrived in board 5 where Bocchi-Madala after trying to reach a slam finally played and make a 5 diamond game, on the other table for Breno: Lanzarotti-Manno declared the diamond slam but went two down. 13 IMPs to Lavazza. In Board 6 both teams played the same contract but Lavazza was 1 down less, another 5 IMPs. The last swing was board 7, where Bocchi-Madala played and make 3NT while Lanzarotti-Manno went one down in the same contract. 12 IMPs to Lavazza.

Semifinals Results 

Angelini 30.00
Breno 27.00
De Botton 10.00

QF Results:

GILLIS 35.00
Angelini 41.00
M.O. 27.00
Breno 38.00
French 31.00
De Botton 38.00


FRIDAY 12 : Were payed the Qualifications Teams chose to pay in the afternoon OR the evening session. Formula Swiss, 4 rounds of 8 boards (same formula afternoon & evening). Depending on their ranking, teams were divided in 2 Groups for the next phase : around 40% to the Tournament A and 60% to the Tournament B).

SATURDAY 13 : Intermediate Phase Formula Swiss, 4 rounds of 8 boards : teams keep all VP won during the Phase of Qualification.  8 teams qualified for the Finals, on Sunday (7 from A & 1 from B, or 6 from A & 2 from B). The other teams play the Classification Groups, on Sunday.

SUNDAY 14 : Final Phase Play-off (Quarter of finals, semi-finals & Final – 16 or 20 boards – KO)

All the Results Match to Match, the players: Click Here . Tomorrow: The finals.

After 2 days results are:

Grupo A     Grupo B  
Ranking total   Ranking total
LAVAZZA 165.00   Angelini 141.00
M.O. 150.00   De Botton 138.00
French 149.00   GORDON 135.00
DIAMOND 141.00   MARILL 132.00
GILLIS 140.00   MOUTTET 127.00
Breno 140.00   GARBOSI 125.00
CORSICA 136.00   MUSSO 123.00
DELFINO 136.00   CAPORALI 123.00
Zimmermann 135.00   Perlino 123.00
Vainikonis 135.00   Andersson 122.00
GLADYSCH 133.00   HORNSTEIN 121.00
FAYAD 130.00   FRENCH LADIES 119.00
MARI 129.00   Top One 117.00
NORDEN2 128.00   Eidi 114.00
Morelli 128.00   Blanchard 111.00
Leveni 126.00   Sellami 111.00
WARD PLATT 125.00   Peccoud 111.00
Gaglietto 125.00   BONORI 110.00
Atlantic 122.00   VERNA 110.00
Mus 120.00   Curetti 109.00
Tardy 119.00   GUENOLE 108.00
WELLAND 117.00   Donati 108.00
      Biancheri 108.00
      Belhassen 107.00
      Cassai 107.00
      FRENCKEN 103.00
      LANTARON 103.00
      Albertini 102.00
      Brera 100.00
      Mantica 99.00
      DESABOULIN 99.00
      Delle Coste 97.00
      HARRIS 84.00
      Sdez 82.00
      Bove 81.00
      VARON 80.00
      Tunisia Jr 78.00