2012 Monaco Cavendish: Match Lavazza-Cronier


Team Lavazza one day ago won the 2012 Monaco Patton, now they are playing the 2012 Monaco Cavendish 2012, these are the team’s players:

Lavazza Maria T,   Bocchi Norberto,   Duboin Giorgio,   Ferraro Guido,
Madala Agustin,   Sementa Antonio

In the third round of the 2012 Monaco Cavendish they faced the Cronier team:

Cronier Philipp, Palau Jean Jacque, Allavena Jean C, De Tessieres Go, Frey Nathalie

 The match ended with a Lavazza victory: 16 a 14. The very first hand was a double swing with a lesson from Sementa to the big audience: My hand is not a preemtive….

West North East South
  Pass 1 Pass
2 Pass 3 Pass
3 Pass 4 Pass
4NT Pass 6 Pass
7 The End    






Sementa in East opened his hand with a 1 bid and when Duboin answered with a Forcing Game call,  Sementa quickly informed him about his autonomous heart suit…with no doubt their trump suit. Duboin begun with his cheaper control and when he listen his partner’s club control asked for keycards. After being informed about Sementa’s club void he declared the Grand Slam. Declarer ruffed the A lead and claim 13 tricks.

Giorgio Duboin en la Monaco Cavendish 2012

  In the other room East opened his hand with a 4  call…his last words…he ended playing game and scoring 510…but obviously with a very bad mood.