2012 European Bridge Championship Cup1st Round

G.S. Allegra: Maria Teresa LAVAZZA, Noberto BOCCHI, Giorgio DUBOIN, Guido FERRARO, Agustin MADALA, Antonio SEMENTA, Capitán: Maria Teresa LAVAZZA

Photo: G. S. Allegra 2011 Champion

Eilat, Israel • 15-18 November 2012

Source: Official Site Participants: Click Here

November 15: The teams were divided in two groups: A and B and BBO VG broadcasted 2 matches. One of them was:

Allegra (2011 Champion: Maria Teresa LAVAZZA, Noberto BOCCHI, Giorgio DUBOIN, Guido FERRARO, Agustin MADALA, Antonio SEMENTA, Capitán: Maria Teresa LAVAZZA) played against Radkov Bridge Club. The match ended: Allegra 23Vp -Radkov 7Vp.


G.S. Allegra
(defending champions)
Norberto BOCCHI
Giorgio DUBOIN
Maria Teresa LAVAZZA (pc)
Agustin MADALA
Massimo ORTENSI (coach)


Radkov BC Anton ANDONOV
Stanislav NEDKOV
Radosslav RADEV

This is the hand with the biggest swing of the match:

 Board 11 Dealer South None Vul

 Radev opened with a weak 2 bid that was the final contract. Declarer was three down: -150. The lead was the J, declarer won the trick in his hand with the  K to continue with a little heart, Duboin won with his 8 and played the J, Radev won in dummy with the Q, and continued with a little spade to his K, Sementa covered with the A and immediately played the K. Radev covered with dummy’s ace, but Duboin ruffed and played his 4. Now South ruffed to continue with a club to the queen and A. Duboin ruffed with his 5, Radev over-ruffed with his J, Sementa won the trick with the Q and continued with the 10. Duboin played his A, and got the 2 over the table, ruffed with the K…last trick for declarer…

 In the other room the bidding was very different. Madala passed and West opened the bidding with a 1 call. Bocchi over-declared 2 and Trendafilov declare the spade game. Madala doubled and Bocchi informed him about his two minors hand. Madala preferred diamonds.

Lead: A

Skorchev lead the spade ace, and when he saw Madala’s king continued with his Q… Madala ruffed to continue with a diamond to the A, now was declarer who saw the J. Agustin played a club to the K… continued with a diamond… and claimed…

What happened with this board in the other tables? The board produced swings in all the tables:

Group A

Table Home Team Visiting Team Room Cont. Decl. Lead Tricks NS EW Home Res. Vis Res.
1 Monaco Hinden Open 5 N 10 12 420     4
Closed 5x S A 11 550  
2 Angelini Burghausen 1 Open Adj. W 7 8 650   13  
Closed 5x N J 10   100
3 BK Lavec Israel Blue Open 5 W 7 8 150     6

Group B

Table Home Team Visiting Team Room Cont. Decl. Lead Tricks NS EW Home Res. Vis Res.
1 G.S. Allegra Radkov Open 5 S A 11 400   11  
Closed 2 S J 5   150
2 Het Witte Huis Consus Kalisz Open 5x N J 10   100   11
Closed 5 N J 11 400  
3 BC Real Israel White Open 5x S A 11 550   10  
Closed 4x W A 9 100