2012 E.B.Championship Cup the 1st Board


Photo: Juan Carlos Ventin and his partner Frederic Wrang.

Eilat, Israel • 15-18 Novembre 2012

Fuente: Official Site Participants: Click Here

November 15: The teams were divided in two groups: A and B and BBO VG broadcasted 2 matches. One of them was: BK Lavec – Smile vs Israel Blue. The team from Sweden, BK Lavec,  in this occasion invited the argentine player Juan Carlos VENTIN to complete the team.

BK Lavec – Smile Peter FREDIN (pc)
Frederic WRANG


Israel Blue Michael BAREL
Ilan HERBST (pc)

The very first board produced the first two digits swing, when the argentine player Juan Carlos VENTIN managed to bring home a 4 contract in one of the tables, while the same contract was two down in the other. The match ended BK Lavec 16 Vp– Smile vs Israel Blue 14 Vp.

Board 1 Dealer North, None Vulnerable

  Ventin opened the hand 1 and when his partner supported his suit, closed the game in spades.

 The lead was the J. The declarer won the trick in his hand, to continue with two top club rounds, pitching a heart from dummy in the third round, Herbst in West ruffed, to play first the A and a little diamond. Ventin won the trick with 10 in dummy, he continued with the spade finesse and when it was OK, he played: A, A, ruffed a club and K pitching a heart from his hand and claimed.

 At the other table: The lead was the 9,  declarer won with dummy’s K. Immediately came the J and when this won the trick, switched to a little club to the queen, king and a little club ruffed in dummy with the 5, Nystrom over-ruffed with his 9, to play a diamond. Upmark ruffed and returned a club…Nystrom ruffed again, now with his K, played the A and gave the rest of the tricks….Two down and 11 IMPs for E/W.

 What happened with this board in the other tables? The board produced swings in almost all the tables. 7 tables were down in the same contract:

Group A:

Table Home Team Visiting Team Room Cont. Decl. Lead Tricks NS EW Home Res. Vis Res.
1 Monaco Hinden Open 4 N 9 9   50 4  
Closed 6 N 2 8   200
2 Angelini Burghausen 1 Open 4 N J 10 420      
Closed 4 N 2 10 420  
3 BK Lavec Israel Blue Open Adj. N J 11 50   3  
Closed 4 N 9 9   50

Group B:

Table Home Team Visiting Team Room Cont. Decl. Lead Tricks NS EW Home Res. Vis Res.
1 G.S. Allegra Radkov Open 4 N 9 9   50 2  
Closed 4 N 9 8   100
2 H.Witte H. C. Kalisz Open 4 N 9 10 420   10  
Closed 4 N 6 9   50
3 B.Club Real Israel W. Open 4 N 9 10 420   10  
Closed 4 N 9 9   50