2012 Danish Club Teams Championship

Martin Schaltz
Martin Schaltz

 The weekend of October 27-28 among other events BBO broadcasted the 2012 Danish Club Teams Championship. One of those matches was: Odense BK vs BridgeKlub Nord.

All Results Click Here   Source:  Danmarks Bridge

Equipo Schaltz: Foto de Archivo

   Bridgeklub Odense team consisted of: Rico Hemberg & MartinSchaltz and Peter & Dorthe Schaltz: Martin’s parents. Martin Schaltz among other things in 1999 won the award: The Levendaal Award for Best Play by a Junior (Click here to read it) and in 2011,  July 27 in Toronto NABC was one of the team’s players that eliminated the Spingold seeding # 1 team, the Diamond team: Brian Platnick, Fred Gitelman, Brad Moss, Eric Greco and Geoff Hampson.

  Board 30: Martin Schaltz showed an attractive bridge judgmente that undoubtedly helped his team to tie the match:


K 7 5 2
J 8
K 10 7 6
Q 5 2

9 3
10 6
Q 9 4 2
A J 9 6 3


J 10 4
5 4 3 2
K 10 8 7 4


A Q 8 6
A K Q 9 7
A J 5 3

In one room:

West North    
East South
Peter Schaltz    
Hilmer Dhorte Schaltz    
    Pass 1
Pass 1 Pass 4
Pass 4 The End  

North closed the game showing no interest to play slam, South passed. Declarer made 12 tricks.

In the other room:

West North East South
Martin Schaltz
    Pass 1
Pass 1 Pass 4
Pass 4 Pass 5
Pass 5 Pass 6
The End      

The bidding started as in the other room, but when Martin heared his partner wasnt interested in slam, he insisted showing his club control. Now Hemberg, whose hand was now definitely much better named his Diamond control, when Martin saw the K in his partners hands, invited to play a Grand Slam with a 6 call,  but his partner decided to pass and defined 6 as the final contract.

Declarer ruffed the club lead, played the A, and he saw East playing the 8. So he won next trick letting run the J, and watching East pitching the 2. He continued with the diamond finesse with the 10 and claimed.

This is what Peter Schaltz comment about the hand:

«It is not entirely correct. 6 is not inviting a grand slam, but simply a suggestion to play. If I wanted to invite a grand slam, I would have bid 1 – 1, 5, get a number of aces and then bid 6.

Here 6 just shows my distribution and can easily be the right place to play. My partner can easily have a good/long diamond suit and xxxx in spades.»

Ty Peter