The Rule of Eight was proposed and first published by Mr. Mel Colchamiro in The Bridge Bulletin of ACBL in October 2000, Page 85.
This Rule of Eight can be applied whether the partnership agreement is to play any style of conventional overcalls such as Brozel, Cappelletti, D.O.N.T, or other conventional methods. Since the main factor in deciding to make an overcall is the distributional feature of the hand, the point count becomes less important.
When deciding to employ the Rule of Eight, the player first subtracts the number of Losing Tricks from the total number of cards contained in the two longest suits. The concept is based upon the result.
If the subtraction results in a number of 2 or more, then the player should decide to compete and make an overcall.
If the subtracted number is less than 2, then the player should not make an overcall, but rather defend.
The holding, when deciding to compete, should contain at least 6 points. It is from this number of minimum values that the designation for this particular Rule is derived. A minimum of 6 points plus the maximum difference of 2 equals the number 8, hence the Rule of Eight.
The following examples assist in clarifying this concept: Click here to continue readingÂ
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